FAQs | Phoenix CyberKnife Radiation & Oncology Center

Frequently Asked Questions About Pancreatic Cancer

Find answers to frequently asked questions concerning a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

What Does the Pancreas Do?

The pancreas is located mainly behind the stomach and is responsible for the production of hormones such as insulin. It assists in storing energy from food for the body to use as well as in the production of enzymes to aid digestion.

What Causes Pancreatic Cancer?

There is no known direct cause of pancreatic cancer, but there are people who are at a higher risk of developing it. This includes people who:

  • Smoke
  • Are 60 years old or older
  • Are African-American
  • Are Male
  • Are Jewish
  • Have chronic pancreatitis
  • Have diabetes
  • Have had peptic ulcer surgery
  • Maintain diets high in cholesterol, meats, nitrosamines, and fried foods

Is Pancreatic Cancer Contagious?

No, pancreatic cancer is not contagious, and you cannot contract it from another person or give it to someone else.

How Is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed?

It is difficult to diagnose, but a combination of lab tests using blood, urine, and stool; CT scans; imaging tests; and biopsies can be used to determine the presence of cancer cells.

How Is Pancreatic Cancer Treated?

There are a few different treatment options that involve radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. Most treatment plans will consist of a combination of these options. Your Phoenix cancer center doctors will create a plan just for you.

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are studies for new Phoenix pancreatic cancer treatment options that are not yet widely available to all pancreatic cancer patients. If you meet the right guidelines, you might qualify for a clinical study. You will want to take to your doctor about your options.

The team at Phoenix CyberKnife and Radiation Oncology Center is here for you and will take this journey by your side. If you have any questions about diagnosis, treatment, support, or anything else, please ask us. To learn more about consultations and treatment options regarding pancreatic cancer or any other type of cancer, contact us by calling 602-441-3845.


Our top priority is the health and safety of our patients. Treatments will continue as our staff is taking extra precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all patients. We are working closely with local and national health authorities to stay informed on all important developments.

Contact our office prior to your appointment.

Phoenix Cyberknife Radiation Oncology is dedicated to the health and safety of our employees, patients, and their families. With the recent spread of COVID-19 and the height of cold and flu season, it is important to be mindful of not only yourself but others around you as well. These viruses are spread from person to person through coughing, sneezing, contact with contaminated surfaces and close personal contact. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: runny nose, dry cough, low-grade fevers or shortness of breath; please contact our office prior to your appointment for further instruction

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