Phoenix Cancer Center | Lung Cancer | Cancer Clinic

Plantar Fasciitis


What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis a common cause of heel pain. It involves inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes.

What are the symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is heel pain, especially when taking the first steps in the morning or after prolonged rest. The pain is usually felt at the bottom of the heel.

What causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis often occurs due to repetitive stress on the plantar fascia, such as excessive walking, running, or standing. Risk factors that increase the chances of developing plantar fasciitis include:

  • Foot Structure: High arches or flat feet can contribute.
  • Footwear: Wearing unsupportive shoes, such as flip-flops or shoes without proper arch support.
  • Obesity: Carrying excess weight puts more strain on the feet.
  • Certain Activities: Running, dancing, or jobs that involve prolonged standing.
  • Age: It’s more common in middle-aged adults.

There are several options for patients suffering from Plantar fasciitis. Rest, activity modification, icing, orthotics, and physical therapy are all conservative measures which can be helpful. Surgery and medical interventions, such as injections, are options for patients as well, however multiple injections can risk weakening of the planter fascia. Patients looking for a long-term, non-invasive solution now have options with low dose radiation therapy (LDRT). LDRT breaks down the painful scar tissue in the arch and 60% of patients experience long term pain reduction.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis a common cause of heel pain. It involves inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes.

What are the symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is heel pain, especially when taking the first steps in the morning or after prolonged rest. The pain is usually felt at the bottom of the heel.

What causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis often occurs due to repetitive stress on the plantar fascia, such as excessive walking, running, or standing. Risk factors that increase the chances of developing plantar fasciitis include:

  • Foot Structure: High arches or flat feet can contribute.
  • Footwear: Wearing unsupportive shoes, such as flip-flops or shoes without proper arch support.
  • Obesity: Carrying excess weight puts more strain on the feet.
  • Certain Activities: Running, dancing, or jobs that involve prolonged standing.
  • Age: It’s more common in middle-aged adults.

There are several options for patients suffering from Plantar fasciitis. Rest, activity modification, icing, orthotics, and physical therapy are all conservative measures which can be helpful. Surgery and medical interventions, such as injections, are options for patients as well, however multiple injections can risk weakening of the planter fascia. Patients looking for a long-term, non-invasive solution now have options with low dose radiation therapy (LDRT). LDRT breaks down the painful scar tissue in the arch and 60% of patients experience long term pain reduction.

There are several options for patients suffering from Plantar fasciitis. Rest, activity modification, icing, orthotics, and physical therapy are all conservative measures which can be helpful. Surgery and medical interventions, such as injections, are options for patients as well, however multiple injections can risk weakening of the planter fascia. Patients looking for a long-term, non-invasive solution now have options with low dose radiation therapy (LDRT). LDRT breaks down the painful scar tissue in the arch and 60% of patients experience long term pain reduction.

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is the presence of a tumor in the lung as a result of an abnormal growth of cells. If these cells originated in the tumor, then it is known as primary lung cancer. If these cancerous cells originated in another organ and reached the lung through the bloodstream, then it is metastatic lung cancer.

The American Cancer Society projected 221,200 new cases of lung cancer and 158,040 deaths from the disease in the United States in 2015. Most deaths occur in patients with Stage III or Stage IV lung cancer.


There are two types of lung cancer. The most common type is non-small cell lung cancer, such as squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The second and less common type is small cell lung cancer, which in the past was frequently referred to as oat cell cancer.


Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, resulting in 85% to 90% of all lung cancer cases. Other risk factors that contribute to the development of lung cancer include:

  • Second-hand smoke
  • Air pollution
  • Asbestos
  • Radon
  • Tubercolosis

Signs and Symptoms

Though not everyone with lung cancer will exhibit symptoms, particularly in its early stages, there are some common symptoms to be aware of:

  • Persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing blood
  • Chest pain
  • Pneumonia or bronchitis
  • Weight loss, lack of appetite, or fatigue
  • Swelling of the neck and face


Typically, primary lung cancer does not cause any symptoms in its early stages. In many cases, the cancer has advanced when symptoms begin to occur. Many patients end up going to the doctor for a persistent cough, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, etc., and it usually these symptoms that can influence doctors to order a chest X-Ray, CT scans (Computed Tomography), PET-CT scans (Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography), and MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). These scans and chest X-Rays can indicate the presence of cancer in the lung or in other parts of the body.


Diagnosing lung cancer is then done by either performing a biopsy, examining a small piece of tissue, or by analyzing fluid to identify the presence of a protein specific to tumor cells. Doctors will then determine the stage of lung cancer by examining the size of the tumor and whether or not it has spread, and to what extent.

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Our top priority is the health and safety of our patients. Treatments will continue as our staff is taking extra precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all patients. We are working closely with local and national health authorities to stay informed on all important developments.

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Phoenix Cyberknife Radiation Oncology is dedicated to the health and safety of our employees, patients, and their families. With the recent spread of COVID-19 and the height of cold and flu season, it is important to be mindful of not only yourself but others around you as well. These viruses are spread from person to person through coughing, sneezing, contact with contaminated surfaces and close personal contact. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: runny nose, dry cough, low-grade fevers or shortness of breath; please contact our office prior to your appointment for further instruction

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